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Create Powerful Legal Identities With This Blog

Legal identity as a matter of human rights theory and practice is fundamental to enjoying a dignified life. The pragmatism of the SDG target on legal identity therefore makes sense.

It carries the promise of making legally invisible people visible – of enabling them to enjoy the rights to which they are entitled. But is it realistic?


Branding is the process of creating a unique identity for a law firm that sets it apart from its competitors in the market. It consists of visual and verbal elements, as well as strategic marketing approaches. For law firms, branding can help establish a strong reputation, attract clients, and foster trust and credibility with existing clients.

It can also improve client retention and referrals. The most important component of a legal branding strategy is the development of a brand promise that reflects the firm’s values and explains what it does differently from its competitors. The brand promise should be incorporated into all marketing materials, from the website to brochures. It should be clear and concise and provide a brief description of the firm’s services.

Moreover, law firms need to develop a brand story that highlights the firm’s history and values. It should also include the firm’s key differentiators, such as its expertise in a particular area of law or its commitment to providing quality legal service. A brand story should be a compelling narrative that captures the attention of the target audience.

The importance of legal identity is becoming increasingly evident, not only in the context of the SDG target on “access to identity documents and other means of identification”, but also for reasons that are more practical. For example, access to health, education, housing, employment, banking, emergency assistance and justice depends on legal recognition of the individual. This is facilitated by civil documentation that can serve as a form of legal identity.

When developing a law firm brand, it’s important to define your ideal client personas before designing your law firm branding. Choosing the right client personas will ensure that your law firm is targeting its ideal clients and attracting new business. It will also prevent your law firm from wasting resources on untargeted advertising campaigns that won’t resonate with potential clients. Moreover, you will be able to focus on the needs and challenges of your target audience, which will lead to a more successful and profitable law firm. This will ultimately save you time and money in the long run.


Legal identity, defined by the World Bank as “an identity that carries a person’s legal status,” is fundamentally about recognition, rights and access. The promise of making the legally invisible visible is therefore central to the notions of equality, non-discrimination and inclusion enshrined in Goal 16 of the post-2015 development agenda.

In practice, providing access to a range of services including health, education, housing, banking, employment, justice, emergency assistance and safe and regular travel all depend on a valid form of legal identity – typically birth registration and civil documentation. This approach also underscores the importance of developing strategies to increase the availability of these documents and reduce barriers to their issuance.

While the discussion of the concept of legal identity is largely informed by political debates in the global south, it also intersects with international law and the broader development agenda. In fact, as highlighted by Tendayi Bloom in a previous ENS blog, legal identity is at the heart of a number of key issues that affect global governance.

One of the most powerful ways to convey the message of a lawyer brand is through their logo design. It’s important to choose a logo that communicates the firm’s core character and values, while also being distinctive and memorable. To do so, the firm should first consider what their mission and values are. Then they can select an image to represent them. This could be something as simple as a gavel or scales of justice, or it might be more abstract like an icon representing justice or freedom.

Once a design has been selected, it should be implemented consistently across all branded materials. This includes business cards, letterheads, notebook pocket folders, and any other items that potential clients will interact with. A well-designed logo will help a firm to look polished, professional, and confident.

In addition to using a unique logo, legal firms should also choose an appropriate color palette for their branding. Different colors have psychological meanings that can influence the audience’s perception of a brand. By choosing a color that conveys the right emotion, a law firm can make their brand more memorable and persuasive.


When it comes to law firms, the firm brand is a powerful tool for differentiating and distinguishing the firm from its competitors. It is also a means of establishing trust and credibility with clients. Moreover, it can increase the value of the firm and make it more attractive to potential buyers or investors. This article explores the various means that are available to internet site legal identities owners to protect their valuable brand elements. It begins with the settled proposition that domain names are property and can be subject to legal claims such as conversion and trespass to chattels.